Bill Clinton...Eating Plants? There's a Dirty Joke in there Somewhere!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The other day, I read in the paper a little blip about Former President Bill Clinton being on a “plant-based diet.” I immediately turned the paper to the front cover to make sure that I wasn’t reading The Onion, because everything about this man screams CARNIVORE!!! Growing up while he was the President, it was almost daily they would show him on the morning news, taking his jog around DC and stopping each morning after his run at MCDONALDS for breakfast!!! On many occasions you would hear him refer to himself as a Southern boy who loved his steak and fried chicken…so you can imagine my initial disbelief that this was even true! I mean, I worked at Hard Rock Café when he came and donated one of his Saxophones to our restaurant, and he had a giant steak when he was there just a few short years ago! I decided I had to research this further, because now I was very intrigued!

It turns out, he was a total skeptic who has changed his life through a plant-based diet! Although he says he is eating fish on occasion, although rarely, he has cut out all other flesh foods, as well as dairy products, and has already lost 24 pounds on top of feeling tremendously better, which is amazing considering all of his health problems as of late. He even gives credit to one of my favorite books, The China Study, which I strongly believe is a must-read for anybody trying to reach optimum health, no matter what your current eating habits are. Check out the following video of him…and congrats, Mr. President, for setting such an awesome example of health and self-healing!


Amanda @ Hungry Vegan Traveler said...

I couldn't help but laugh a little every time they cut to Wolf Blitzer and his blank expression.

Anyway, this just gives me one more reason to like Bill Clinton.

Danielle said...


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